When sex hurts

There are many different ways to have sex, but if you experience pain during intercourse, masturbation, or orgasms, it is important to find out what is causing the pain. The pain can be felt in the external genitalia and in the vaginal opening, or deeper in the vagina and elsewhere in the lower abdomen.

There can be many different causes of sex-related pain. The pain may be caused by dry mucous membranes, an infection such as a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis, or a mucous membrane disease such as lichen.

Endometriosis or adenomyosis can also cause pain during or after sex. Sexual pain associated with endometriosis and adenomyosis is often felt deeper in the vagina or elsewhere in the pelvic area. Pain can also start after sex, even if you did not feel pain during sex. Pain during an orgasm can also be a symptom of endometriosis. Read more about endometriosis and adenomyosis here.

Another possible cause of sexual pain may be vulvodynia. The most common form of vulvodynia is vestibulodynia, which occurs in the vagina as a localised tenderness to the touch. The most common symptom is pain in situations such as intercourse or putting in a tampon. The pain associated with vestibulodynia is typically localised to the vaginal opening. Another, less common form of vulvodynia is neuropathic vulvodynia, where a constant, more vague pain is felt over a large area. Read more about vulvodynia here.

Sex should not hurt, and the cause of the pain must be identified!